Martyrs Memorial

Ref 290-3

In India 2008, the district of Kandhamal Orissa was lit up by Hindu fundamentalists who led the anti-Christian campaign. The violence lasted for weeks, with police standing by as more than 100 Christians were killed, 6,000 Christian homes destroyed, and over 600 villages ransacked. The attack left up to 75,000 people forcibly displaced. The resources from the churches were burned – erasing everything the community had.

Namrata, a 10 year old girl, suffered greatly from bomb explosions that extremists had thrown into her home. The police never came to help. When asked about how she felt towards the attack, she stated: “I don’t know why people should attack others in the name of God. I will dedicate my life to promote harmony and spread the Lord’s message of love.”

The Martyrs Memorial provides the opportunity for us to remember those who have lost their lives for their faith. We also desire to equip surviving Christians in Kandhamal, like Namrata, with Bibles and hymn books in their language.

The average cost of a Bible and hymn book in Oriya/Kui language is $20 AUD. Would you consider blessing a Christian family with these materials?

Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a Light to my path.’
Psalm 119:105