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"By supporting the ministry of Philoi Global, we are partnering with practical friendships as the Greek word implies, and actively echoing the words of James 1:7 - that our words must be accompanied by actions.

Philoi Global helps to identify and support those who are suffering in extreme ways for their faith and those often needing to be rescued for the survival and, in many cases, that of their families as well. Most of us are not in a position to help our brothers and sisters in this way, but could support through prayer and financial giving, those who are standing alongside those who are suffering. In this way, we can 'Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves' (Proverbs 31:8-9)."
Robyn Claydon
Senior Advisor, Lausanne International
"It is our privilege to endorse Philoi Global and its critically important and innovative work in responding to persecuted minorities around the world. Their understanding of the complex and multifaceted nature of displacement is unparalleled.

We at REACT Services have found the astute and insightful leadership of Executive Director and Founder, Jude Simion, to be invaluable in our work together with global networks and partnerships.

In addition, we are especially impressed with Philoi Global's deep commitment to catalyzing partnering and collaboration strategies - a vital and essential approach to the pressing humanitarian challenges within global displacement."
The Rev. Brian O'Connell
Founder and CEO of REACT Services
"I commend Philoi Global and the amazing work that Jude Simion and his team are doing around the world. Jude has been committed to the forcibly displaced for decades and I am delighted that he is now able to give his full attention to them - this is some of the most creative and innovative work that I know anywhere in the world among the forcibly displaced.

I am convinced that partnering with Philoi Global is a very productive investment, protecting the forcibly displaced and helping them to flourish, and generating great returns for the Kingdom of God."
Gordon Showell-Rogers
Refugee Highway Partnership, Global Leadership Team Facilitator