Stand With R.U.T.H: (Refugees Undergoing Trauma & Hardship)

Join us as we stand with the ‘Ruths’ of our time.

The image above shows a woman and her children, currently residing in a third country as Asylum Seekers. Forced to flee from her abusive husband, she and her children anxiously await permanent resettlement. She re-named herself ‘Ruth’ after she converted to Christianity.


Ruth 1. is an Iranian convert and widow. Her husband was killed for his faith in Christ, leaving her with no choice but to flee to Turkey with her children. She is supported by Philoi to explore her resettlement options.

“When we realised that conditions were not safe for me and my daughter, we fled Iran with the help of other Christians.”
– Ruth 1

Ruth 2. is an Afghani convert who suffered severe abuse from her husband. Fleeing with her daughters after his attempt to sell them for drugs, she encountered Jesus and fled to Pakistan where she runs a house church. They face the threat of deportation every day.

“My home is a house church. Every Sunday, Christian families gather here and we pray secretly. We receive grace and blessings from the Bible. I myself teach children songs about Jesus Christ and the Bible.”
– Ruth 2

Ruth 3. fled Afghanistan after her father was arrested by the Taliban due to his faith in Christ. She faces forcible deportation from the Pakistani Authorities every day. Philoi are journeying with her to find safe resettlement, and advocate for her and those in similar circumstances with the UN and other government bodies

“In front of our eyes our father was abducted, and we could do nothing to stop it. Words cannot express the ache of this incident. I feel pain every day. We know his time in custody is likely cruel.”
– Ruth 3

Ruth 4. is an Afghan convert who resettled in Australia with her two children. Due to severe medical and mental health issues, she became homeless and spent her nights in parks. Now, she is cared for in Philoi’s safehouse, and connected to a local church.

In supporting the RUTH project, you are helping us give support in the following areas: counselling first-aid, emergency relief, medical support, education support, employment assistance, safe houses, resettlement support, and advocacy.

Join us as we stand with the ‘RUTHS’ of our time.

…look after the orphans and widows in their distress…”
– James 1:27


$75 can provide a refugee family with emergency food rations, covering their basic needs.

$50 can fund a month’s worth of school fees or supply a school pack for a refugee child.

$150 can assist a refugee family with rent or cover medical expenses.

$9,000 can support a refugee family’s resettlement application or cover flights to a safer location in their home country.

Reach out to us for more information or any questions you may have. To give, click here.